Friday, April 30, 2010

Peony in all it's Splendor and a Couple more Blooming Beauties

A few days ago, I checked my two Peony plants and discovered my smaller Peony blooming.  The flower was a very pale pink and very pretty.  This flower is a delight to watch because it's pretty in all its blooming stages. Peonies are considered perennial herbaceous, which means they have non woody stems like other perennial bushes. They don't last very long so I like to cut the blooms to enjoy at least for a couple of days.
Today I looked out my kitchen window and spotted the same flower. The bloom had doubled its size.  I brought the flower inside to enjoy it's beauty and scent.
The Peony is now in full bloom and it's predominantly white. The scent is not as fragrant as the Pink one (which has not bloomed yet).   Here are some interesting facts about these flowers.  I consider Peonies to be low maintenance and it's a hardy plant which will come back year after year.
The Knock Out Roses on the other hand don't produce blooms as spectacular as the Peony, but they last all spring and summer.  These roses resist disease so they are ideal for people like me who enjoy gardening but don't have the time to be outside every day spraying, etc...etc...  I'll be cutting from this bush for arrangements soon.
Cliff trimmed the bushes which can get as high as 6 feet.
This yellow Iris is also a herbaceous perennial and produces delicate yellow blooms.  I usually don't cut these blooms...just enjoy them outside.

Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never fail you.                                   Frank Lloyd Wright


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