Wednesday, January 03, 2007

My Last Day of Vacation

I'm going back to work tomorrow - Sure has been nice to be off for a few days. I did not accomplish everything I wanted to do on this last day. My Christmas tree is still up, the christmas lights are still on the front porch. Oh well; maybe all that stuff will be put away this weekend.

I did finish my Thank You cards for my co-workers. Everyone at work was so generous this Christmas. I took time this evening, made myself some green tea I prefer my green tea with ginseng and lemon. I read in an article about the benefits of green tea that it is even good to prevent tooth decay. It's flavor sort of grows on you. In the beginning you might not like it; but then you will find yourself making some more. I like the fact that it can help counter or help slow the aging process being a source of antioxidants.

Picture of the garden elf.

Thoughtful gifts from coworkers.


Lori said...

Happy New Year! and congrats on the new grandbaby!

Drea said...

your becoming a champ blogger with all the photos :-) photos make a person blog I believe!