Monday, June 22, 2009

Summer Delights

The blackberries I got at the Providence Produce market in Mint Hill have been the best this year. I took advantage of the special last week, buy one get one free. We have added them to pancakes, oatmeal and to ice cream...Delicious. They keep well refrigerated. Rinse them well before eating. Blackberries don't just taste good but they are beneficial due to the fact that they contain good quantities of phenolic acids which are antioxidant compounds and they are considered an anti carcinogenic agent. They are also rich in vitamins A and C. Too bad they have a short season. They are also very expensive when not in season.
Cliff celebrated his 26th year as a father--four as Papa
We enjoyed a delicious dinner of Broiled Cod, Chili & Cumin Oven Potatoes & some of our own yellow squash.

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