Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Green is a Beautiful Color

This spring and summer we have had frog visitors in our little pond.  This one came during spring and did not stay for too long.  Cliff said he found love somewhere else.
We have another frog but unlike this one who let me snap his picture the new one is extremely shy.  Oh well, so since I could not take its picture,  here's another pretty green thing growing right by the pond. It's called an Umbrella Palm and can grow in water and soil.

I'm not so sure, about this Frog I designed.  He looks more like an alien.  But he's green so I thought I would share his picture.

I'm naming the frog - K e r m i t.

One more green thing I found in the garden.  The herbs just begged to be harvested.  I brought some in the house and put them in the dehydrator.

Now for the grand green finale...............

These dill blooms remind me of fireworks. They have kept well in water.



catielee said...

Great photo of the frog on the lily pad. You have a great eye.

Kevin said...

good imagination on the fireworks, I would not have seen that!